Friday, November 12, 2010

Flight of the Phillies

Last week, before we left for the Philippines, we were waiting for our visas to arrive by a postal carrier that will remain nameless. The visas were supposed to arrive in Kokomo (we were staying at Katie's parents' house) by way of overnight shipping. It should have arrived on Thursday. What we found out by email on Thursday was that the package arrived in Kokomo, IN, but the carrier thought the address didn't match anywhere in Indiana, so they shipped it off to Pennsylvania where an address matched it more closely. They decided to only email us... I wish they would have called us to make sure it was the right address. Either way, we found out on Thursday and after asking nicely in every way possible we found out that our overnight shipment to Indiana which became an overnight shipment to Pennsylvania could not become an overnight shipment back to Indiana.

In the end, we decided the best way to get our package before our flight (6:30 Monday morning) was for me to fly to Philadelphia that day and go out to the customer center and pick it up in person. I went on an adventure, flew to Philadelphia, got the rental car with my google directions in hand and drove to the customer center. And here is where the wheels came off the kart. Right after the clerk punches in my tracking number, the power goes out. She can't use the computer or find my package. After some time and a number of cell phone calls, they miraculously found the package. Long story short, people were praying and God delivered the visas back into our hands. It turns out God must want us here after all.

I am not sure if there is one specific reason or many, but it seems to me that there is a purpose for which God has allowed us to come halfway around the world to learn. Thanks be to God.

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